Database Backup Module is used to take Backup of the database. It creates an identical copy of the database at the location which is assigned by the user. Through this facility user can prevent the loss of data and also help in retrieving the lost data by- System formatting, Data Corrupt etc.

User can take Backup of Database by two simple ways:

  • Take Backup by the destination path. User can also set Auto Backup after the time which is fixed by User. It also has a Restore Facility. User can also Repair & Compact the Backup Database.
  • Second way is by Auto Backup, which proves useful when the software shuts down. Auto Backup confirms whether to take a backup. The user is required to input the Destination path. Database then compresses & makes its Zip at the given location. Zip File prevents the data from Viruses & occupies less space.
This is an important module and is extremely useful when the system crashes. It is a must-have for every organization whose work is automated. This module will ensure smooth and hassle free working of the organization.

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